Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Focus

Personally, I've been lost(stuck) on my personal modpacks. Unsure what to do with them or how to go about setting a theme. They're still available to download onto your launcher and play, however don't expect them to be updated as often anymore. That being said, the new and main focus has been on Hexxit: Revisited! With it's new popularity rising, we've made the decision to just speed up the 'final' updates to make it stable, officially! As some of you may already know Hexxit has been pushing out updates daily! So it's considered unstable or rolling as I say. Now that can break some worlds/servers. In order for it to not do that we must make the pack stable. We'll be working on it this week and try to have it all finished by Monday. So the 23rd? Happy testing everyone and enjoy all the new changes we've done!

returnFromDEAD, craftDeadly, annd ctrlAltDEAD have dropped support for the time being and will no longer receive updates. Hexxit is the main focus, and should be stable by Monday (the 23rd.)