Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vanilla Tools Loot

The more you explore in the world, you're bound to find dungeons. In specific dungeons, you'll find random loot! Here is a small example of random loot via survival play in our testing:
So my comment about finding vanilla tools is not only correct, but fairly common. Which solves the small problem of needed some tools for recipes. Oh and naturally Zombies can drop weapons and tools modded and vanilla, just depends on how lucky you are. Thaumcraft adds an enchantment that you can use to disarm zombies and take the tools you want!

Example 2:

Alternatively, you can view the images here and here if you have troubles viewing them on this page. Oh and the texture pack is just something I did for fun. It is not currently available for download. Maybe after I get a few more textures done for this pack, I'll release it on the side. Free to use as always!