Monday, March 23, 2015

Google Docs anyone?

So Hexxit REvisited's testing is going over great! We've gotten really good feedback that helps improve the pack with each update. Now we still don't have a wiki up or anything, until then hopefully a few spreadsheets over on google docs should hold everyone over until otherwise noted.

More Swords Info
This one just gives info on the More Swords mod and the changes vs the non-changed stuff. Very helpful for those who enjoy spreadsheet formats and easy to download/view while in-game.

Survivalist Progression Note (WIP)
This is more or less an example of some of the swords and tools some testers have used in the progression of this pack. To give you an example of how they've progressed and what weapons and tools you can use, or maybe want to try out. There will be a public version of this available in the future so you can post your adventure progressions! For now you can comment here or let us know over on the forums about your experiences and we can put them on this sheet!